About US ...

Artist #1


Hello fellow Otakus! I am one of the two of your favorite artists who produce these magnificent works of anime art that you all like. Since middle school , I've been an avid lover of anime, and genuinly appreciate what I do. I've always been a fan of Japanse culture and hope to go some day. Don't be afraid to mention or follow us on social media.

       Artist #2                       

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hey guys! I am Artist #2 I hope you are enjoying our shop. We work really hard to create and design different ideas that we have to make into fun assecories.  I've been a huge anime fan since I was a kid and seen so many I've lost count. HeHe  .... Artist #1 and me enjoy watching anime while we work on our creations. I hope you are happy with your purchases and I am Thankful for your support.